Elderberry flower is an antioxidant used to lower cholesterol, boost the immune system, improve heart health, treat coughs, colds, flu, bacterial and viral infections and tonsillitis. Elderberry flowers, grows in gardens on the edges of forests or parks, pick up in...
April Remedy
March Remedy
Stinging Nettle March is the best month to start a Stinging nettle cleanse. The benefits of stinging nettle are so many that you too will lose count. It is a diuretic; it is used to treat anemia, and it is used for arthritis and rheumatism. Stinging nettles is used...
February Remedy
Massage History
Massage History Massage therapy is one of the oldest health care practices known to history. References to massage are found in Chinese medical texts more than 4,000 years old. The basic philosophy of massage therapy embraces the concept of vis Medicatrix naturae,...