vitamin K benefits

vitamin K benefits

Vitamin K is an essential nutrient necessary for responding to injuries by regulating normal blood clotting, reducing bone loss, and decreasing risk of bone fractures. It also help to prevent calcification of arteries and other soft tissue.

Vitamin C Benefits

Vitamin C Benefits

Vitamin C (also known as ascorbic acid) is abundant in vegetables and fruits. A water-soluble vitamin and powerful antioxidant, it helps the body form and maintain connective tissue, including bones, blood vessels, and skin.

August remedy

August remedy

Valerian root is very popular in Europe. It is used to manage certain cardiovascular problems.
This plant is famous for its ability to drastically calm shattered nerves down, normalize sleep and improve mood. In ancient Greece and Rome it was used as a remedy for several health problems such as anxiety and insomnia.

Health Tips

Health Tips

Simple Solutions Reducing consumption of alcohol and caffeine while increasing water intake is a healthy strategy regardless of muscle tightness. If this strategy fails to prevent muscle tightness, then increasing your mineral and electrolyte intake is a logical next...
Massage History

Massage History

Massage History Massage therapy is one of the oldest health care practices known to history. References to massage are found in Chinese medical texts more than 4,000 years old. The basic philosophy of massage therapy embraces the concept of vis Medicatrix naturae,...